216. Spatially and Temporally Resolved Single-Cell Exocytosis with Individually-Addressable Carbon Microelectrode-Arrays, B. Zhang, K. Adams, S. Luber, M. Heien, A. G. Ewing, Anal. Chem., 80 (2008) 1394-1400.
217. The PC12 cell as a Model for Neurosecretion, R. H. S. Westerink and A. G. Ewing, Acta Physiologica, 192 (2008) 273-285.
218. Short Chain Alcohols Promote Accelerated Membrane Distention in a Dynamic Liposome Model, N.J. Wittenberg, L. Zheng, N. Winograd and A.G. Ewing, Langmuir, 24 (2008) 2637-2642.
219. In vitro Electrochemistry of Biological Systems, K. L. Adams, M. Puchades, A. G. Ewing, Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry, 1 (2008) 329-355.
220. Freeze-Etching and Vapor Matrix Deposition for ToF-SIMS Imaging of Single Cells, P. D. Piehowski, M. E. Kurczy, D. Willingham, S. Parry, M. Heien, N. Winograd A. G. Ewing, Langmuir, 1 (2008) 7906-7911.
221. Investigating Lipid-Lipid and Lipid-Protein Interactions in Model Membranes by TOF-SIMS, L. Zheng, C. M. McQuaw, M. J. Baker, N.P.Lockyer, J. C. Vickerman, A. G. Ewing, N. Winograd, Appl. Surf. Sci., 255 (2008) 1190-1192.
222. Relative Quantification of Cellular Sections with Molecular Depth Profiling ToF-SIMS Imaging, M. E. Kurczy, J. Kozole, S. A. Parry, P. D. Piehowski, N. Winograd, A. G. Ewing, Appl. Surf. Sci., 255(2008) 1158-1161.
223. MS/MS Methodology to Improve Sub-Cellular Mapping of Cholesterol Using ToF-SIMS, P. D. Piehowski, A. J. Carado, M. E. Kurczy, S. G. Ostrowski, M. L. Heien, N. Winograd, A. G. Ewing, Anal. Chem., 24 (2008) 7906-7911.
224. Amperometric measurements of catecholamine release from single vesicles in MN9D cells, Y. Dong., M. L. Heien, M. M. Maxson, and A. G. Ewing, J. Neurochem., 107 (2008) 1589-1595.
225. Inhibition of HMG CoA Reductase Reveals An Unexpected Role for Cholesterol During PGC Migration in the Mouse, J. Ding, D. Jiang, M. Kurczy, J. Nalepka, B. Dudley, E. I. Merkel, F. D. Porter, A. G. Ewing, N. Winograd, J. Burgess, K. Molyneaux, BMC Developmental Biology, 8 (2008) 120.
226. Which is more important in bioimaging SIMS experiments – The sample preparation or the nature of the projectile?, M. E. Kurczy, P. D. Piehowski, S. A. Parry, M. Jiang, G. Chen, A. G. Ewing, N. Winograd, Appl. Surf. Science, 255 (2008) 1298-1304.
227. Capillary Electrophoresis for the Analysis of Single Cells: Sampling, Detection, and Applications, I.G. Arcibal, M.F. Santillo, A.G. Ewing,in Handbook of Capillary and Microchip Electrophoresis and Associated Microtechniques, Third Edition, J.P. Landers, ed., CRC, Boca Raton,FL (2008), 429-441.