199. Separations in Multiple-Channel Microchips, T.L. Paxon, AG. Ewing , Advances in Chromatography , 44 (2006) 1-44.

200. Using Amperometry to Study Neuronal Models, M.M. Maxson, A.G. Ewing, Encyclopedia of Sensors, 10 (2006) 423-432.

201. Single-Cell Level Mass Spectrometric Imaging, S.G. Ostrowski, A.G. Ewing, N. Winograd, The Dekker Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, DOI: 10.1081/E-ENN-120041535 (2006) 1-11.

202. Chemical Analysis in Nanoscale Surfactant Networks, R. Karlsson, A. Karlsson, A. Ewing, P. Dommersnes, J.-F. Joanny, A. Jesorka, O. Orwar, Anal. Chem ., 78 (2006) 5961-5968.

203. Molecule Specific Imaging in Biology: What are the Challenges and the Important Applications? A.G. Ewing, Appl. Surf. Sci., 252 (2006) 6821-6826.

204. Investigating Lipid Interactions and the Process of Raft Formation in Cellular Membranes Using ToF-SIMS, C.M. McQuaw, A.G. Sostarecz, L. Zheng, A.G. Ewing , N. Winograd, Appl. Surf. Sci., 252 (2006) 6716-6718.