377. Visualization of Partial Exocytotic Content Release and Chemical Transport into Nanovesicles in Cells, T.D.K. Nguyen, L. Mellander, A. Lork, A. Thomen, M. Philipsen, M.E. Kurczy, N.T.N. Phan and A.G. Ewing, ACS Nano, 2022, in press, DOI.org/10.1021/acsnano.2c00344.
378. Single-Vesicle Electrochemistry Following Repetitive Stimulation Reveals a Mechanism for Plasticity Changes with Iron Deficiency, Y. Wang, C. Gu and A.G. Ewing, Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed., (2022) in press, DOI.org/10.1002/anie.202200716
379. Simultaneous Counting of Molecules in the Halo and Dense-Core of Nanovesicles by Regulating Dynamics of Vesicle Opening, X. He and A.G. Ewing, Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed., (2022) in press, DOI.org/10.1002/anie.202116217.
380. Anionic Species Regulate Chemical Storage in Nanometer Vesicles and Amperometrically Detected Exocytotic Dynamics, X. He and A.G. Ewing, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 144 (2022) 4310–4314, DOI.org.10.1021/jacs.2c00581
381. Concentration of stimulant regulates initial exocytotic molecular plasticity at single cells, X. He and A.G. Ewing, Chemical Science, 13 (2022) 1815-1822, DOI: 10.1039/D1SC05278K.
382. Localization and Absolute Quantification of Dopamine in Discrete Intravesicular Compartments Using NanoSIMS Imaging, S. Rabasco, T.D.K. Nguyen, C. Gu, M.E. Kurczy, N.T.N. Phan, and A.G. Ewing, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23 (2022), 1-11, DOI: 10.3390/ijms23010160.
383. Quantifying Intracellular Single Vesicular Catecholamine Concentration with Open Carbon Nanopipettes to Unveil the Effect of L-DOPA on Vesicular Structure, K. Hu, K.L.L. Vo, A. Hatamie, and A.G. Ewing, Angewandte Chemie-Int. Ed., 61 (2022), e202113406, DOI: 10.1002/anie.202113406.
384. Visualization of partial exocytotic content release and chemical transport into nanovesicles in cells. Nguyen, Tho Duc Khanh, Lisa Mellander, Alicia Lork, Aurélien Thomen, Mai Philipsen, Michael E. Kurczy, Nhu TN Phan, and Andrew G. Ewing. ACS nano 16, no. 3 (2022): 4831-4842.
385. Anionic Species Regulate Chemical Storage in Nanometer Vesicles and Amperometrically Detected Exocytotic Dynamics.He, Xiulan, and Andrew G. Ewing. Journal of the American Chemical Society 144, no. 10 (2022): 4310-4314.
386. Simultaneous Counting of Molecules in the Halo and Dense‐Core of Nanovesicles by Regulating Dynamics of Vesicle Opening, Xiulan He, and Andrew G. Ewing. Angewandte Chemie 134, no. 15 (2022): e202116217.
387. Single‐Vesicle Electrochemistry Following Repetitive Stimulation Reveals a Mechanism for Plasticity Changes with Iron Deficiency. Ying Wang,, Chaoyi Gu, and Andrew G. Ewing.Angewandte Chemie International Edition 61, no. 20 (2022): e202200716.
388. Pore-Opening Dynamics of Single Nanometer Biovesicles at an Electrified Interface, , Xinwei Zhang, and Andrew G. Ewing. ACS Nano 2022, 16, 6, 9852–9858
389. Intracellular Absolute Quantification of Oligonucleotide Therapeutics by NanoSIMS. Cécile Becquart, Rouven Stulz, Aurélien Thomen, Maryam Dost, Neda Najafinobar, Anders Dahlén, Shalini Andersson, Andrew G. Ewing, and Michael E. Kurczy. “” Analytical Chemistry 94, no. 29 (2022): 10549-10556
- Direct Acquisition of the Gap Height of Biological Tissue‐Electronic Chemical Sensor Interfaces. Xin‐Wei Zhang, Amir Hatamie, and Andrew G. Ewing. Angewandte Chemie 134.43 (2022): e202210224.